2 Chicks in a Boat Women’s Team Tournament Trail
We welcome anglers of all levels to join us!
The 2 Chicks In A Boat Women's Team Tournament Trail is the first of its kind. Women will join forces to compete as a team, testing their angling skills against other female team enthusiasts and promoting friendly competition with the bonus of guaranteed cash prizes per tournament. We believe in making tournament fishing affordable and do our best to make fishing our trail more bang for your buck! Each tournament in the trail contains a guaranteed payout based on the number of registered teams. We payout one spot for every three boats and the payout is set at 80 percent of the entry fee. In addition, we offer a cash only, optional Big Bass Pot for each event. New for the 2025 season, we will offer anglers the option to purchase raffle tickets to place toward the prizes they are most interested in obtaining. A portion of the money raised through the raffles will go toward the payout for the first three places in the 2025 Championship on Lake Cumberland in October.
As in the years past we will continue with cumulative points standings and recognize Team of the Year Award at the conclusion of our tournament season. The team with the highest number of points at the end of the season will have earned the right to fish in the Lady Bass Anglers Association 3-day Classic in October. See the tournament trail rules for details regarding competing in the LBAA Classic.
Are you wanting to join us for some fishing fun but need a partner? No worries! We will do our best to find you a match as a boater or a non-boater. Just shoot us an email at 2chicksinaboat@gmail.com